Some of the Board & Committee
Top row from left to right: David Weiss, Keith Annapolen, Ronald Steiger, Jay Fishbein, Steven Wunderlich,
Maury Josephson, Beth Josephson, Kenny Greenbaum, Matt Kuschner, Bob Pizzimenti, Craig Maltz, John Arena
Bottom row left to right: Mark Meyerowitz, Paulette Briner Gazes, Bonnie Mitchelman, Eileen Connolly,
Gary Morganstern, Howard Kaden
About Us:
Bellmore JFK Alumni, Inc.
Who we are:
We are the official alumni group for Bellmore JFK High School.
We are a group of graduates from JFK who have been actively moving toward establishment of a formal alumni organization.
This is something we have not had since the mid-1990's. With the cooperation of the school district and JFK High School and its officials, we have set up an Not-For-Frofit Corporation,
“Bellmore JFK Alumni, Inc.”
This is the Official Website for John F Kennedy High School's Alumni. Our website will have all the yearbooks online by the end of July 2012 for viewing and our website will keep you up to date with our latest activities, news & events.
The main purpose of the association will be to support and give back to the JFK community, to maintain a continuing relationship with the community, and to channel the potential for alumni service – not to mention renewing old friendships and having a great time along the way. Over the years it has been difficult for alumni to reach out to one another and to organize class reunions and support the JFK community. It seems that we would always have to go through a professional reunion company. We hope to change that in the near future.
We had our first major event on October 21st, a multi-year reunion with over 350 alumni. At the moment,our biggest task is assembling and keeping a current and reliable database of alumni, so please help us by filling in the DATA BASE FORM with updated information..
Our list is not being assembled or will it ever be used for any commercial purpose. It will only to be used so our organization can get in touch with you in the coming months as we get our organization off the ground with members.
Membership Application -
Please join, click here: http://bellmorejfkalumni.org/membership_registration
Standard Membership Dues $ 20.00 Annually
Please join us, we can use your help!