Past Events/Reunions & Photos
Still Pictures 2017 Hall of Fame
pictures by Steven Buchbinder
Video of 2017 Hall of Fame Induction
from Mark Meyerowitz
Link to Photos from the
August 3 2014
Multi Year Multi State Multi School Reunion Photos!/david.feldman.18/media_set?set=a.812700275417213.1073742066.100000317454624&type=1
Pictures From Sept 2013
Multi Year Reunion & Fundraiser
click on link
Hall of Fame Induction
December 1 2012

David Weiss, Steven Hunt, Alan Berkowsky, Larry Scott, Joan Littman Landry, Fred Cohen, Susan Katz Holland,
Gary Morganstern, Robert Wigand, Allan FLeishman, Arthur Kempner, Ronald Steiger, Mark Meyerowitz, Matt Kuschner
Videos Link: Click Here For Videos
Still Photo Link: Click Here For Still Photos
Thank you Mark & Rachael Meyerowitz for the Hall of Fame Photography
2011 Multiyear Mulchays
Steve Buchbinders 2011 Mulchays
2011 JFK HAll of Fame
2000 Home Comming
1968 40th Reunion
Jan 2012 A Night to Remember "Frankie Basile" Brooks & Porter
To view the Hall of Fame Journal & Program double click on PDF file (30 seconds to load)

From left are Mark Meyerowitz, Maury Josephson, Craig Maltz, Gary Morganstern, Ron Steiger, Eileen Connolly, Howard Kaden,Harry Tsotsos and Tony Luparello.
Multi-Year Reunion -
October 21, 2011 @ Mulcahy's
Just another WIN WIN for Bellmore JFK High School
Over 350 Alumni show for the Bellmore JFK Multi-Year Reunion
Bellmore JFK Alumni, Inc. held its very first function as 37 YEARS OF GRADUATES from JFK came together on Friday, October 21st at Mulcahy’s Concert Hall in Wantagh NY.
If you were a LIRR commuter coming home last Friday night in Wantagh, you saw an orderly lineup outside of Mulcahy’s. While it is not unusual to see people going into the concert hall, this was different.
You saw a table with a green table skirt and the words “Bellmore JFK Alumni, Inc." This was a first event for the newly created official not-for-profit alumni association called “Bellmore JFK Alumni, Inc.”
“Our board only came up with the idea in August to have a launch event for our alumni association” said Gary Morganstern the President of the Board. Howard Kaden the VP of the board said “We were hoping to have a decent turn out, maybe 100 people or so.” While Maury & Beth Josephson, who were high school sweethearts at JFK, gave out the nametags, Mark Meyerowitz and David Weiss made sure that many raffle tickets for the Giant Flat Screen TV were sold.
Craig Maltz the Treasurer, kept a watchful eye as the money came in. When asked, "What are you going to do with the money you're making tonight?" Elyse Singer Lowe and Amy Gaon replied almost in unison, “We are going to support and promote many social, educational and scholarship programs to meet the needs of both the students and the alumni of JFK. We need to maintain continued relations between JFK and it’s alumni.” Gwen Rappel Rosenberg, a board member & professional photographer Steven Buchbinder took photos of the over 300 guests and placed them on facebook for all to see.
We owe many thanks to Eileen Connolly, Assistant Principal of Kennedy High School. Ms. Connolly and Jay Fishbein worked the crowd informing them that an alumni directory will be published in the near future. She also told them that our website is under development and will eventually have former yearbooks posted online for viewing.
The 300 Alumni were having such a phenomenal time reminiscing about the past and listening to the band “BIG SHOT” they forgot about how annoying Ronald Steiger, the Public Relations person for the board was, in sending out 100’s of Facebook, emails and press releases promoting the event.
Steiger said “I really didn’t care if I sent out too much infoundefined too many times. I just wanted to make sure that we had a good turn out ...and that everyone would have a great night. He wanted the event to be so good, that on Monday morning, the alumni that couldn't attend would feel as if they really missed out on something special. They won’t miss our next event!
Our real purpose of the event was to launch the Alumni Association. We wanted to make sure that alumni all over the country knew about the reunion and THEIR, once again THEIR NEW Alumni Association and the great things we are going to do in the future. With that in mind, we were very successful.”
"The alumni here are having the most wonderful time and can not thank us enough said Kaden & Morganstern." Steiger explained to some out-of-towners, (Linda Savino from California and Harvey Cavayero from New Jersey) about some future projects. Some of the grads from the years '68undefined'75 were told about a "Battle of the Bands" night and reunion event that the alumni association is exploring... with bands that were around in the late 60’s and 70’s.
The alumni crowd was made up of former teachers and athletes from Kennedy. As retired teacher and wrestling coach Bob Wigand looked on, David Weiss a heavyweight wrestler for Kennedy in the late 60’s drew a crowd. He was telling the alumni that gathered around him about the athletic and health related alumni events we had in the planning stages such as: a walk-a-thon and bike-a -thon. Maury Josephson explained “We had hoped to have and hold some of these events as joint functions with the Kennedy Athletic Department, this way the present Kennedy students, their parents and older JFK alumni could participate together. We really want to instill the pride in the quality education for our children that this JFK community affords us.”
We hope and ask for alumni to support our efforts and come and join us at a meeting, get involved on our board or on one of our many committees. The meetings are held at Bellmore JFK High School in room 136 at 7pm.
Our next scheduled meeting is January 31st. Our Email contact information: is Our Facebook group page is called “Bellmore Merrick JFK Alumni” and we have a alumni page on the school districts Bellmore JFK website. Please join us !!